let's talk about the domestic dimensions with donald kirk. i mean, you've covered for so long donald, how do you think that the, the public actually view the united states and also this relationship with the u. s . will, in my return visit to vietnam i. 4 a lot of other americans are good back there are always surprised by the, by the affection, if you can believe it, that many via the amazed field for the united states you don't encounter, you know, anti americanism or derisive remarks. of course, if you look hard enough, i'm sure you could find them, but basically people are quite friendly and quite courtesy, courteous toward americans. and i'm not quite sure if i totally understand why i, since it was a terrible ward, which the americans were to blame for ongoing problems. we're talking about the in the agent orange issue, where, which continues to maim and stunt the lives of many people in the region where agent orange was dropped in misbegotten effort to, to kill the jungle and expose. i'd place that troops vietnamese commerce, north viet