lieu, jeffries. lofgren, jeffries. loudermilk, mccarthy. lucas, mccarthy. luetkemeyer, mccarthy. luna, donalds. luttrell, mccarthy. lynch, jeffries. mace, mccarthy. magaziner, jeffries. malliotakis, mccarthy. mann, mccarthy. manning, jeffries. massie, mccarthy. mast, mccarthy. matsui, jeffries. mcbath, jeffries. mccarthy, mckaerty. -- mccarthy, mccarthy. mccaul, mccarthy. mcclaine, mccarthy. mcclintock, mccarthy. mccollum, jeffries. mccormick, mccarthy. mcgarvey, jeffries. mcgovern, mcgovern, jeffries. mchenry, mccarthy. meeks, jeffries. menendez, jeffries. meng, jeffries. meuser, mccarthy. mfume, jeffries. miller of illinois, donalds. miller of ohio, mccarthy. miller of west virginia, mccarthy. miller-meeks, mccarthy. mills, mccarthy. molinaro, mccarthy. moolenaar, mccarthy. mooney, mccarthy. moore of alabama, mccarthy. moore of utah, mccarthy. moore of wisconsin, jeffries. moran, mccarthy. morrelle, jeffries. moskowitz, jeffries. moulton, jeffries. mrvan, jeffries. mullin, jeffries. murphy, mccarthy. nadler, jeffries. napolitano, jeffries. neal, jeffries. neguse, jeffries. nehls, mccarthy. newhouse, mccarthy. ni