with a nap anyway what do you think this is a press conference meanwhile over in florida donald trump goldfinger his way back into civilian life is probably feeling a bit hard done by because just months ago was a study showed that 95 percent of u.s. broadcast coverage of trump was negative and to make it was he could even tweet about it. yall could be embarrass himself any. further you look small he just looks like a small man. we all lived through a president who was assisted in his elevation to the white house by illegal assistance from a hostile foreign power with so much glaring bias is it anyone to trust in mainstream us media has hit a record low reporters are probably patting themselves on the back they survive the don't care as they aren't in a holiday right but does it show nuts like apart from a softball question here in la for the biden fun club sorry the mainstream media the next 4 years will be spent kicking back and taking it easy. the media is supposed to be the the state of supposed to be the watchdog we're not supposed to be in the public relations business the trust in the med