and ”77777 republicene reelly sought tc: donald trump republicens reelly sought to donald trump for his7 "5155 bum; the? actions and alsorbteme the leader actions and alsorbtame the leader for well. we h§f§®§3 '%5§§:�*§: eve. well. �*like mike the national security watts; the national eecuritg ' 4 '4' ~ 4' 4” batted away watts; the netiehel eecuritg 4 4 44 4 44 4” batted away any advisor, batted away any that this could have advisor, batted away any that this i ambush, i z the ’ actions said not clear to him that . . . sleader zreazdy the ukrainian teaser-was ready stop the ukrainiahteaderrwas ready stop that really echoes a sentiment that the himself said in the president himself said in the of encounter, aftefmétfi77fiftfi§7§7fiefiqfit???77 777 7 and i quote," the saying. and i quote." the leader fi-ht, fi-ht, fight, fight, but fi wants to, but with 7 who who a eauiee) ~ the| :, seas e e e— has said 7 77777 5557575375; 7 77 777 7 has said he wants deal said he wants a 7 deal ;aic with vants a de77al ;aic with those agreements so agreements so there agreements so there is agreements so there