. >> woodruff: so, donald van nieuwenhuise, you're saying maybe as much as 95%?> that wouldn't be the initial. that would be my top-end guess on it. actually, they're going to have some flow coming out of the cap, and the reason that's actually a good thing is that if for example they were producing 105% of the oil, they would also be drawing water into the system which could then cause the risk of having ice formation from the gas rates. >> woodruff: if this works, can this hold for the two months or however long it takes until the relief wells are finished? >> i think there's a good chance that it will and one of the problems they could have is, as the pressure is extremely great down at the reservoir and i know they've been producing some sand, you could have sand that could actually abraid the pipe itself. but based on what we've seen so far, it did not abraid the liner or the... excuse me, the riser where that was crimped. and consequently, i don't think they're producing that much sand. this should hold out to the two months they need. >> woodruff: i want t