the owners of new housing became almost 1,400, semey andrey vorobyov met with graduates of a school near moscow, including children from the donbassrrived from lugansk and donetsk and also from ukraine you say how you were received. it seems to me at all times, as it was and will be, i want to thank the teachers for this, who created the atmosphere and give knowledge. i want to set you up for combat moscow does not believe in tears, right? so just go ahead. in total , 37,000 graduates graduated from schools this year in the region, the governor noted the high results of the final exams. the number of students in the moscow region is growing every year on september 1, more than a million children will sit at their desks and new schools will open. also, the level of education is being increased, technoparks, specialized centers and flagship educational institutions are being created. this year, for the first time, the region took second place in all-russian olympiad for schoolchildren. the ninth street film festival has opened in illusion . short films will be shown in moscow before the end of september. enough of all regions of the