hat that is critically importantent keep doing what you have donewh isich is learn how to adjust, and, you know, from what i can fro see, the ones that are most e successful get deeper and deepes roots in to the community, moren and more reasons for people tofo come to theme bookstore. be really inventive in making sure people love bookstore in tn you yt.ing sure you do having ak out when there's issues, i've got to say, there was a tremendous outpouring when there was a time for it in the legal thing, there was tremendous outpouring from independent bookstores who were willing to sit down. some of them, i've read almost every single one. some of them working incredibly diligently on those letters that they were riding in to tell the government why they were wrong. so being active. you have tremendous political power, the independent bookstore. when we look at who is the best person to talk to someone in congress, the only people who want to talk to me in congress are the representatives from new york. because we're publishers, we're in new york. a guy from virginia is interested beca