donfield...i need a man and i need him quickly. but he must've right background and he must be legitimate. because a certain party is gonna check him out quite thoroughly. you suit all of these qualifications to a tee. most importantly, you've just made rather a peculiar move you mean, like giving up a $35000 a year job with a large firm for all of this? i just wanna have a business of my own. would-would you mind, excuse me...would you mind.. please, get out of here unless you want some pests eliminated. ah, yes, we do want to eliminate one very large pest. but more importantly we want to preserve world peace. we want you to accept a position with a non-existent corporation manufacturing a non-existent product. what are you doing? - installing a telephone. oh, that's very nice of you but we already have a telephone. not like this one, you don't. i maybe out of shape, but i can still toss you two out of here. mr. donfield, i'm sure you can toss us both outta here. but perhaps won't be necessary