[dongseop speaks in korean] [jessica speaks in korean] [dongseop speaks in korean] good. okay, so i had a breakdown, i had a meltdown in front of customers, but it could've been a lot worse. you can see, this kitchen is open, that we are busting our butts and why can't people understand this is not fast food. - blah, blah, blah, blah [laughs]. - when she ordered, i told her, "the waiting time is going to be 40 minutes, would you like to wait or not?" no, she stands here, puts her hands behind her back like this, like she owns the place, and keeps coming here and staring at me and going, [exhales] "huh. huh, huh, huh, huh. huuuh. huh." so finally, i lost it and i was like, "okay, everybody free. your food is free. everyone in this room, your food is free. here, here, what did you have?" i'm so darn sensitive. but being sensitive also makes me a pretty darn good cook. if i can just learn how to channel that. and i just can't ignore bad behavior. like i said last night, "give me this 10 by 10 room. give me this 10 x 10 room, please." [dongseop speaks indistinctly] and i owe