well, it looks like you have won the struggle, donna chavis.he decisionnd to and where you ththink it came from? >> enke for having me today, amy. ie e decision is something that was elated about. i was in the grgrocery store whn ii heard about it and had to go outsidide to celebebrate. where it came from? i think it came from a number of sources. of couourse have duke and dominion's answer in that it became too expensive and all of the d delays caused by people on the ground forced thehem to pull out. and i i would have a agreeitith there wasthe sense that an awful lot of opposition to this. what the decision means is that the environment, the communities that would have suffered irrepaparable harm and thehe indigenousus black andnd other people of c color who wou h have been disprproportiononally impad are now -- now have that c cloud lifted from them.. i thinink there were sigigns tht this pipeline was not going to go anywhere. we call it the pipeline to nowhere. at least two years ago when all of the financial disarrayy relateted to the pro