had donek adjustment of these sort of data like ok house prices are 15 percent but they'll say donna clay the buy hamburger instead because hamburgers went down in price or they'll buy you know some electronic equipment from well cars are going down in price. they they didn't go down in price until recently. so they just dominantly adjust and bizarre increasingly bizarre ways but i talked about. you know the geopolitics in geo economics and how empires through out the centuries was shoot the messenger and it was all you know war is back then used to matter how much gold you had because you would go bankrupt when you started a war and you would do everything to try to avoid a war. but that price signal gold has been an important one for 5000 years it was an important signal about what the price of gold was doing and terms of how long that empire that system had to hang around especially post 971 of the early days in 1971 paul volcker had to step in and try to you know fight the the gold bugs because the gold bugs were a threat to the establishment of the u.s. dollar as the world's reserve