donna coleman was them have been ejected, should get the job.e and we know the little children don't catch, don't carry it commode they may carry the virus, but they don't respond badly to the virus. but they may carry it and certainly in many schools yes you might be teaching a young class but you probably walk along the corridor and see older children in the class, and i don't know how many teachers have succumbed to covid, but i don't suppose that donna is the only one. in a 42 she was very young to die of it. ithink in a 42 she was very young to die of it. i think all of these people should be vaccinated, and to be fair before i gave everybody £500 of think i would send the air force over to boston and speak to pfizer, itjust over to boston and speak to pfizer, it just so that over to boston and speak to pfizer, itjust so that plane. i don't know whether it would work like that, because i don't understand this stuff, but if you could put in planes millions of vaccines and just vaccine the hell out of this country than that would solve the pr