it's donna ferguson and the new shell, sorry, i've lost my note here is called tiny ford site. i just saw the trailer to that. i haven't seen an episode yet, but it looks very funny and it is exactly as per advertised. they're trying to make great taste great textures. great look. plating the whole 9 yards. it's just the dishes are like this and some of the implements used to supply the dishes also like that great idea. somebody had over there at discovery plus and he is the head judge, darnell super chef ferguson. we appreciate your time, man, have a good life. oh man, you have a great one as well. all right, bye. talk to you down the road. that's darnell ferguson. this is dennis miller plus one ah, mass kaiser's financial survival guide, liquid assets are those that you can convert into cash quite easily. but keep in mind, no as the domain to inflation datawatch go report. with a gas prices in europe hit a new record where the german government wanting people to prepare for a close to freezing month. meanwhile, the countries energy regulators yet to grant an operating license