. >> good afternoon, i'm donna figarota with the union square business district. i just wanted to talk a little bit about the background for this project. it grew out of a larger vision for hallidie plaza that was developed by the bid streetscapes committee that would create better access from the top to the bottom with a (inaudible) approach that would allow for a larger range of activities like flower stands, and the street artists being a very important part of hallidie plaza were folded into that. right now the artists when they exist, they are lost in the confusion of people, street performers and tourists in line buying muni tickets around the cable car. we want to increase the visibility of the street artists as an asset and promote them as an asset in an attraction for both tourists living and working in the area. the display table which we've got here, i don't know if you can put on the overhead, if you can see it, anyway, what that does was it really allows a better exposure, a greater visibility of the artist with colorful and professionally designed di