and the public utilities commission clerk is donna hood. so, with that i welcome everyone to our joint meeting. this meeting is to get an update. okay, let's do that first. >> vice president caen? >> here. >> commissioner vietor? >> here. >> commissioner moran? >> here. >> president courtney and commissioner torres are excused from today's meeting and we have a quorum. >> very good. we have a quorum for both. so, colleagues, we welcome you to our meeting today. really our meeting is a chance to have a long awaited joint commission meet tog hear about issues that are relative to both lafco and our work around cca and keeping that program going as well as issues within the puc of the power enterprise department. i know there has been a lot of discussion about where power enterprise is and is in need of some greater attention from the public utilities commission. and our, our goal with lafco is to make sure whatever resource he we might be able to help to understand with the power enterprise and also help with the decision making with the powe