and occ attorney mediater donna salazar spoke to the group about establishing and maintaining successful medation programs, and occ attorney, sam, also, policy analyst, talked to the group about providing the policy recommendations that builds a bridge between the community and law enforcement. and then, marian was not busy because on sunday, and i know that commissioner marshal will go more into detail about it later. but she was a commentator, on the program, street soldiers on know your rights. and she did that, with commissioner marshal and also, with patty lee, from the public defender's office. and i was not in town, and i was celebrating my 35th wedding anniversary but i did get the opportunity to listen to the very, lively, radio program, later. >> and now, i also asked that we met with representatives of the urban institute who are out from washington, d.c.. >> updates on cases and we will get a detailed report at the end of august in one of your september meetings but just for a brief update, today, the occ has opened 481 cases compared to 474 same time last year. as of today,