but let me start with you, donna tell rivera we mentioned there that the humanitarian crisis, and this report from your organization about the possible crimes that taking place. they just talk to us a little bit more about that in the the extent of it. yes, this report presents the finding of the investigation that we carried out over several months without being able to visit t grade because the european government not until now allowed international or any other international human rights organization to go to t grey. so we traveled to east down to refugee camps and interviewed women and girls, had been victims of sexual violence in te gray as well as a humanitarian personnel, medical personnel who assisted these women. and we spoke to dozens of other women and girls in te gray by phone really only during the window of opportunity when it was possible to connect to people in t gray by the phone. because since the beginning of the conflict last november, there has been on and off for long periods of blackout when, when it's been impossible to, to reach and wanting to grade by phone or