my name is donny nelson. i am the principal at a school, and i believe this is the fifth quality review that i have had the privilege of coming forward to discuss with you. this quality review has enabled us to really take a look at performance reporting for sfmta and eyunni in particular over one decade of service. the quality review as you know is an audit of the data collection and reporting methods. we analyze the performance reports that you receive on a quarterly basis, and we made recommendations for improvements on both the handling of data and the types of information provided to the public. i am proud to say that after working with sfmta for the last decade, we can find no major problems with the reporting and data, the collection of data at the agency. over the decade that i have been involved with this, i have seen a much greater level of detail and more accurate data. we have identified a couple of major changes to performance reporting that we think would be an excellent idea. one is to switch f