canadian sphynx and donskoy sphynx. y won't feed them, on the contrary, they live in constant joy, because they have a loved one next to them, and the sphynx, they have another feature, they love eye contact with a person, yes, what in ordinary nature is considered a manifestation of aggression, but for sphinxes it's the opposite, a manifestation of love, yes, how interesting, where does this opinion come from, that sphinxes have a bad character, probably to... people, listen, as you are to the cat, so the cat is to you, if you start to offend, and they have an open soul, they love all people, if you start to somehow put pressure on him, well, the sphinx will say, sorry, i don't like it, elf, levkoy, peter bolt, what is all this, then, look, we have two main mutations of hairless. danish and canadian and canadian, and well, how can i say, people love experiments, they love to do something new, however, accordingly, having such amazing data as hairlessness, breeders wanted to combine this hairlessness with some obvious mu