jackson, sr., chairman of chesapeake martin luther king leadership breakfast - clip 10 47;30 we are honoring youth, we're honoring law enforcement and we've been told that those two dont seem to work together. we'll we're showing that in chesapeake they do. 47:39 sot - sheriff jim king did as long as we communicate with our localities and that we're transparent and have those relationships that will provide very successful. 55:10 the urban league of hampton roads 32nd annual martin luther king jr. community leaders' breakfast was held at norfolk state. the keynote speaker: wilbert james, president of toyota motor manufacturing. sot - wilbert w. (wil) james, toyota motor manufacturing - clip 50 5:00 it is also a day to remind ourselves and our communities that the work is not yet done. 5:07 so what is that work, one encouraged people of all backgrounds to fight for equal opportunity saying, "our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." today, we heard the voices of many with the purpose of keeping king's message alive. i'm brandi cummings 10 on your side. tonight clear and cold. lows: 13-17 inland, 17-22 coast. winds: northwest 10-15. tues