dorado park. >>hat was s ing on iur nd >> i w auasming d laughing. >> he's laughing and s slingngs s he cuts ofthe he o othis s young m m mho bravely served his coury so that he cago oa honeymym u know, it's beyond horrific. it's evil. absoluly it's evil.. >> 2epororr: :ut despitetell t t teteible things thesgrizzl dededeives have heard, there is somethininthatatothehem even re the e senseless muer of an innocnranger, lie buisis.ulies basilly beg killedvethis thing u d d jusus i mean, it's horrific>>>>eporter: andere's w w y y didn't knonountil now.w... afafafr r lling himi d wozniak takes sam's phphe ansends julie those urgent textslure her to her d. jul was wring, like, a n tiara. she had just come from her other's. ipsaid, well, , haveey. let's go i i >>>>nd? >>>>nd dhen said, , , by the way,y,id you seehisiin sam's bed? and enenhe w w leaneover kill j? what was t ratnale behind that? >> serus, tototoer up sam.m. >> how wouldhat coveup sam? >> to make it look le he was on theheme andhde didiit.