have to live on less than $2.00 a day let's take you over through our nairobi correspondent joy doreen beeraso would it be right to say the coronavirus hasn't hit africa as hard as the experts predicted what's hitting hard at the economic consequences of this crisis. that's right ben and the economic consequences could be what africa is most concerned about because we have seen in several weeks there while the bank has released a report saying that africa's economy has contracted close to the negatives and for this to actually for africa to recoup or get back to where it has been in terms of economic growth that's going to take maybe 5 years from now for that to happen but when he also comes to issues to do with health what we are seeing right now is that africa is experiencing a delayed because in the recent weeks we have seen community transmission of coverage 19 of a similar countries on the african continent you look at south africa you look at kenya and uganda they have increased cases in the bus in weeks but yes you're right economically speaking africa has been hardest hit because it