let's talk about all of those issues with joy doreen beera joy first of all tell us how much is it going to cost to actually tackle this disaster and also to rebuild a place like mozambique. well if it we're talking about mozambique as a country i think that's really going to say quite a bit for the effect of city itself which happens to be their fourth largest city in was in the. in this boat man in. the figure. of six hundred million dollars the because the infrastructure has the effect as well as the basic axes the services like roads electricity as well as what the connections that are all being affected by. and closely at about two hundred sixty thousand who have been affected the most and the and i mean i think ten thousand of our in camps at the moment and there's also of course the the immediate costs of feeding those people a fighting disease yes and then now looking at is course the looming diseases that could break out malaria and squalor around which are actually very very dangerous as well at the moment so the lead authorities in laos and we can basically as a city are reall