that was branch manager doreen horston, who, with the support of city librarian michael lambert, proposedre here to offer brief presentations about this program and are available to answer any questions you might have about this legislation and the reach recovery program. thank you again for your time this morning, and we hope to earn your support for this simple yet powerful legislation. this concludes my remarks, and through the chair, i respectfully request that we invite city librarian lambert to make remarks. thank you. with pleasure. thank you so much, miss lambert. great to see you as always. thank you for that introduction. and thank you, chair. ronen. good morning, supervisors. i want to begin by acknowledging the sponsors of the read to recovery program legislation, supervisors dorsey mandelman, stephanie and engardio for recognizing the critical role of the public library in transforming lives. in this instance, supporting individuals struggling with substance abuse disorder and alcohol addiction. i also want to reinforce the earlier remarks and acknowledge our park branch mana