here with me, byron dorgan from north dakota, served in congress for 40 years and is now a divisor at aaron fox. the former republican senator for new hampshire, senior advisor at a law firm. thank you for being here. is the president, in your opinion, going far enough to degrade the islamic state. >> given where he has been in as far as hes is can take it right now in terms of congressional and outlook support. he's not going to have broad support for putting boots on the ground. he has said clearly he does not want to put boots on the ground. it is a question whether or not you tell your enemies what you tell your enemies what you're going to do. he should have bipartisan support for the activities in as well ast isil training and arming syrian moderate forces. >> senator dorgan, is he going just far enough? >> he has been cautious. i am pleased with the fact that he is using caution. i think he will have the report -- he will have the support of congress. there are some that are very excited about embarking on this. i am very nervous. our country has to provide leadership. there is