going to be a turbulent time for trump after the after he exits office or i political scientist, doris foreman. thanks very much for the insight. all right, let's zoom out now and get the international perspective with chief international editor, richard walker. richard, thanks for coming in. what kind of reactions have we seen from around the world? you know, we're seeing reactions coming in from, from most parts of the world now and here in europe, the responses came pretty quickly after the race was called on saturday, evening, european time. so let's take a look at a few. we can bring some up on the screen here is or perhaps starting with angela merkel here in germany. obviously, she put out a statement saying, congratulations, the american people have made their decision. i wish him the best of luck in every success. and in the german original, used expressions of heartfelt wishes of success and lot, which i think is quite striking when you compare it to the statement that she made 4 years ago when donald trump was elected, which was very frosty and was a taste of the bad relationship to