doris, i want to start with you on this as you watched president johnson deliver that speech august 6d push through the vote rights act, he was going to lose some of his base, the southern vote and he said, what the hell is the presidency for. >> how i remember that day, actually. i was 22 years old. if i could have ever imagined after bloody sunday when i was listening to president johnson give the joint session of congress speech that led to the passage of voting rights that a few years later i'd be working for president johnson and a few years later mary the man who helped draft those words. the basic right to vote he said is the most fundamental of all rights without which the rest are meaningless. how we need that clarity right now, the fight that is being fought right now to strike down voter rights, to bring back suppression, to undo what happened in 1965 is the fundamental fight of our time right now. it's not a partisan fight in a democracy, this is the most important thing to allow individuals, otherwise what's the point of a democracy if individuals can't vote and the more