immigration trends and immigration statistics as well this morning in our 8:00 hour, we will be joined by doris meissf who tracks a lot immigration statistics in the united states. we will talk to her about immigration patterns as well as some of those numbers. if you comments on facebook already this morning as we are talking about today's supreme court case. steve wrightson, a waste of time by republicans, you can't afford it afford millions of people every year. you need to focus on the criminals first and not the families. , zachary writes splitting families is not will, but legality does not always played in the same hand is what is morally correct. there is so much gray area in the 14th of meant -- amendment, it is hard to say. and as the is the key, even reagan knew this. carillon twitter writes, i am sick of obama's -- obama doing as he pleases. what part of the legal does obama not understand? he just wants more votes for democrats. we will be looking for your tweets and post on facebook and looking for your calls as well. phone lines a little bit different this morning. if you are a recent