patrol, more concentration of technology to places, there was this kind of poignant observation by doris meissner, head of the immigration and naturalization service in 1993. and she said looking at operation hold the line which is the operation in el paso that brought more agents and put them side by side by side on the borderline and then actually brought the walls and help pass so. the idea is that if we put this wall, this surveillance technology, no one will cross. that was then replicated in san diego, operation gatekeeper, replicated in arizona. that was then replicated in southern texas. we are looking at -- and they're is a reasoning behind this operation. one of the big reasons, with the north american free trade agreement that was passing we're going to have to file rearguard to at least have a short-term and medium-term surges of immigration in the united states, thus we need to put up these more strict gnats. and she was right. if you look at the post 1994, the post naphtha interdiction, little exodus coming from mexico averaging maybe close to of 500,000 people. one of the impact of