and you can buy not only a soft drink full of sugar and then you can buy perhaps a bag of doritos to go with it in the middle of the afternoon at school. so what kind of message is that in a country in which a substantial number of the people, especially children, are vastly overweight and in which we, by the way, minimize physical fitness in our schools because we've become very obsessed, and necessarily so -- we care now more about math and sciences and getting out of our school system more engineers, more people steeped in math and science -- but should that be at the expense of physical fitness? what kind of a brain is walking around without a physical being to propel it? how about some physical fitness in our schools and get the -- the soda machines or the soft drink machines and -- and the doritos and cheetos out of the school hallways? i mean, that -- those things are just common sense. it's about personal behavior, and it's about what we do in this country. and, by the way, the reason those machines are there is that they can put machines in the hallways at scoocialgz the com