in dormont, pennsylvania, right outside pittsburgh, it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. >> at 7:00, we're going to put on a concert for the community. >> families walking out to thei together. ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ >> singing that song from mr. rogers, "a beautiful day in the neighborhood." ♪ would you be mine could you be mine please won't you be my neighbor ♪ >> in neighborhoods across this country, they are determinedhe . in pasadena, california, 15-year-old coco waving from the car, returning home after she completed her last chemo treatment. each family staying in their own driveway. a safe distance, but determined to welcome her home. >> coco! >> reporter: coco's family tonight telling us she is home, she is feeling better, but they hope that coco is a reminder of why social distancing is so important. to protect our loved ones. communities across this country determined to make it a beautiful day in their neighborhood. you know mr. rogers always said, when scared, look for the helpers, they're everywhere. good night.