because the church was already being built, it was 350 years old, but they called it not dorofei, but doropeevichhildhood we loved all the work, first the older children looked at the smaller ones, the smaller boy was in us, now when they walked or walked through the swamp, they were afraid, they took his back , and they robbed him of the swamp, oh, and so they walked and the children grew up, the older ones grew up, like the eldest daughter, then she and her mother... in the field , and we were still grazing skutina, as if our own, and wandered into the swamp, grazed, then the drink was dry, and when i was wet. in the fall there is a church holiday called stepanida, i was born in the fall and they called me that, well, it was a long time ago 85 years ago, yes, yes. i remember how the four of us started to work, when we came to the village, the villagers were already herding us, now they passed on one, tomorrow, for another, a third, for a third, who was with him, then next time a friend. i was already timid, i was already crying, and you know, as i was praying, as soon as i started , i stretched