that's bringing dorothy jabari in moscow. so what is a exactly the criminal saying about the donald trump's games as well according to the criminal spokesperson, dimitri pest golf. during his daily briefing here on friday, and he said that they, russian president, vladimir, put in, is ready, willing and able to meet with us president elect donald trump. as soon as he takes office after january 20th, he said that they are a hearing positive comments from the trump camp, but they have ins as set up anything as of yet at dimitri pest called said that the russians believe that once donald trump takes office and then that they will be further discussions and they will firm up plans for the 2 presidents to meet face to face according to the russians of lab report. and it is not setting any preconditions for such a meeting, and their russian physician regarding the war in ukraine has not changed as the richer prescott went on to say that these are positive signals. they're getting from the us president donald trump, but they are, th