in the small town of anapu, deep in the amazon state of para, sister dorothy stang is everywhere. sister dorothy came to anapu from her native ohio in 1983. she said she was drawn to the amazon to work with the poor. >> the only thing they know is survival farming. that's slash and burn. >> she started a sustainable development program. teaching locals how to live off the forest, at the same time, preserving. her mantra, the death of the forest is the end of our lives. >> bringing back new life to a land that was lost, it is possible. we can renew the forest. >> let's do it! >> she may have looked like a little old lady to people from outside. but who live with her, she wasn't any little old lady. she was a power house. a decision, when she decided, she decided. she would work to make it happen her way. >> but her friend and colleague, jane dwire, says those tactics earned sister dorothy some powerful and dangerous enemies. big ranches and logging companies were often in her sights. if they encroached on a pes sants land, stang would report them to the government. as sister dorothy