dorsey, to come and live in a guest cottage on her estate, beauvoir, which is on the golf of mississippi outside of biloxi. jefferson davis did that. he begins work on his memoir. this is dorsey is helping him the one thing that jefferson davis does not do is tell his wife what he's doing and when varina found out about this, she was livid. she was certainly jealous. this other woman taking over this role that she had always had. remember all the letters that she wrote for her husband during war. prior to the war, she helped write speeches for him. so varina, when she did return to the u.s., refused to move at beauvoir. she ended up going to memphis, where by this point, maggie, their eldest, had married a banker, gladys and hays. so she moved and stayed with her daughter for a little while. and it wasn't july of 1878, about year and eight months of living from her husband. that finally moved in at. so this is an image of kind of the reunited davis on the porch of beauvoir maggie their eldest daughter and mrs. dorsey ended up dying and leaving estate to jefferson. there are still more tragedy. marina faces. she just junior dies in the yellow fever epidemic in memphis in 1878. and this at a time when jefferson davis was ill. so varina had a very decision to make whether to go to her son, who was dying or stay with husband who might possibly be dying as well. and she did not go to her son and really very much regretted that. now, jefferson davis and remember, he's 18 years older than she so he died december summer, 60, 1889, died in new orleans. and varina was at his side when he passed away. he had been travel long, but she got word that he was ill, came to be by his side. pneumonia, basic is what he died from. and she was just 63 years old. so i find interesting in looking at these two women side by side that mary life ends when she's 63. and that's when varina widowhood began. varina in writing about her husband's death to a friend, wrote that there was no one to remember her with, quote the char