the rest they built themselves depending on their needs and using purpose built modules designed by doshi now some pay 200000 people live here. the notion of designing your own home according to your personal needs is more relevant than ever right now in western countries as well almost all that can happen there's a housing shortage cities berlin especially are increasingly having to struggle with rising housing costs and it seems to me that dot she has managed to combine a person's apartment with their sense of identity and a highly unique way. it's a meditation on how we want to live in the future how flexible a house or an apartment has to be the whole side. she's granddaughter cushion open tuckey who've curated the exhibition they selected his most important works together. some of the most important lesson from his architect for many students and all practicing architects generation is that his approach to participate free and open ended. where there are possibilities to grow. modify. she was awarded the pritzker architecture prize for his life's work his opus includes the institute