. >> dostoyevsky is in many ways these tribes and in that is this syndrome in its fiction. you can think of any number of japanese novelists and of course armor is in that particular tradition. before i started writing this book i've been taking notes for a book which was going to be primarily about left behind nations, trying to construct the kind of economy. of these countries and the peoples and their particular literatures who share certain very important features, whether you are an egyptian writer or an indian writer or a chinese writer. there are certain resemblances and easy recognitions so i think that again, that came in very handy, all the notes that i'd taken for the story of the left behind people. when it turned out there were a lot of people left behind in the heart of the left will also manifested some of these traits of responding, again that sort of feeling of existential envy and resentment. that depending on circumstances, these feelings and emotions can arise in completely unexpected context if the loss of power, the prospect of economic alliance can in