so i just wanted to talk a little bit about what it was like to try to convince dot braden at 94 that it was okay to tell this story. i was put in touch with her by the nsa, the national security agency, which is our current -- which came out of the wartime code-breaking efforts. after the war the army and the navy operations merged to become what is now the nsa which is our clandestine surveillance and eaves dropping agency and which we continue to hack into the communications of endingmy countries. they were, they had known about this story just as nas a saw had known about the women of "hidden figures" for quite some time. it was known in the nsa that women had contributed in this significant way and had comprised more than half of our code-breaking force during world war ii. and the nsa, perhaps needless to say, was interested in getting this heroic -- and it truly is a heroic story -- out into the public. so through a round-about way, they had gotten in touch with a family who had, the family of a schoolteacher from bourbon, mississippi, named louis -- ruth weston who had taken t