they can attend the conference center or submit their comments in writing to eir at planning dot ucf dot edu. therefore without further a do i will turn it to the planner lorie yauchey. >> associate advice chancellor for uc sf. this you for allowing us to present this plan or lrdp. i last appeared before this commission in april of 2013 which i presented our lrd proposals and today's presentation summarizes the draft plan. >> okay. i will keep moving. the next slide shows the planning framework and development of over 15-20 years. the current plan has a planning horizon of 2012 and this new one has a new one of 35. it's important from strategic and academic planning as well as an accompanied by anish eir which wade referred to. uc sf campus is shown on this site and other locations around san francisco. we have experienced significant growth about 80 percent increase in our space in the last 17 years. due in large part to growth in our research and clinical programs. as you can see we have been very successful and fortunate to receive much of a lot of national student health grant and fundin