that the most dotcomplicated thing of all? president obama's relationship with technology right now. > >he actually played a role in you career. you were working at facebook and one of the highlighted moments is when the president had his town hall meeting through facebook, which was huge. > >it was really an amazing career highlight for me. to have the president feel that facebook was the best way to reach out to the entire american public. > >it's also the day you quit. > >technically i didn't quit for a little while after that but that was the day that i realized this is the direction that content, that media are going in and i love facebook and i loved my time there but i want to be able to use all of the platforms that are out there. not just be limited to one social network. > >what have you been doing since? > >i've produced several projects for television. i have two books that are out right now---dotcomplicated and dot for children. > >you had a little issue with the veterans. you were offering free books on twitter.