it all started with this good samaratan....spotting the rolled over s- u-v from afar sot - doug bearden / hiker "that's when i saw something up on the hill that didn't look right." doug bearden -- hiking the rough terrain with his girlfriend to get a better look -- discovering a wreck sot - doug bearden / hiker "i got about twenty feet away from that car and the hair on my neck started to stand up." inside...the driver trapped - sot - doug bearden / hiker "she could barely lift her head, all i heard was like ohhhhhh." both without cell phones -- doug stayed with the car and his girlfriend ran home to call 911. sot - "it's really in a bad spot and i mean, it looks like it's gonna continue rolling. it just happened to stop on some rocks// it's upside down." san bernadino first responders -- rushing to the scene -- stabilizing the car... and identifying the woman inside as 69 year old barbara mcpherson -- reported missing hundred feet down, on the slope from the top of the ridge, it was about a thirty degree slope on the ridge, and the car was actually leaning downhill and was very unstable." afte