the abuse of power, from law enforcement to elected3* officials, retired politiciansk= io such as doug boscown. it's because of3tj their power that my daughter went from missing9i%( 7zÑ to dead. this has to do with domestic violence. if sonoms of energy in her father raping me teen prostitution, and teen drugs not being locked up she would be alive. i am sick when i look and compare and contrast what happened with domestic dispute in your county and in mine, knowing that this same power and influence that prevented justice in my case created another set of injustice in the opposite direction in your case. i know that you have somewhat resolved that problem, but not fully. i came here specifically to speak to you, and also to your sheriff. one of the things-zp8d that could come out of this as a positive with all this dispute about legitimate rape is i begged for the investigators to give me a polygraph test. they said they couldn't. so i'd like your help with getting a law passed on the federal and state level so that witnesses and those accused of sexual assault domestic violence have a mand