but for doug click, the story doesn't end there.is bravery and quick action captures the media's attention. >> doug click, good morning. >> good morning. >> man, what a morning you had. >> it's been a heck of a 24 hours. >> but for the son of a police chief and brother of four police officers, doug's response, he says, was nothing more than being brought up with that old-fashioned sense of responsibility. >> i remember back when i was a kid, you know, if anybody had done anything like that, the dads would have definitely stood up and stopped the guy. he wouldn't have gotten anywhere. the police are the cleanup crew. they're not there when the crimes are going on. if you can stop the people from doing crimes, you try to stop them as best you can. >>> another terrifying crime on the road. this one on a public bus. a man boards a bus in broad daylight and immediately begins pummeling the driver, taking him and the passengers on a wild ride to remember. may 2008, in milwaukee, wisconsin. and a masked man reportedly asks, do you remember