doug hamilton back their representatives ancestor alexander hamilton in the is only one hamilton, right? >> [inaudible] there was a backup plan on the older ones. >> i think the episcopal church has an arrangement like that with bishops, too. but it's a hereditary society. it has been going on for all of this time. it was considered a really, really dangerous thing by certain people after the war. of course, thomas jefferson was really fearful of the society of cincinnati. he was fearful of any organization -- she did not like the military -- but he was fearful of any organization that seem to be elitist and that he thought might become an instrument which would undermine the liberties of the american people. cincinnatus, of course, was this great roman general. we remember him because he was at that point in history the only one who having put together this big army and oneness major campaign left it and went home and became a farmer again. of course, washington is often considered to be like cincinnatus. lot of parallels made to cincinnatus, more than t