so i know that when i started hearing from so many lawyers that were doug harpool's colleagues, what a terrific choice he would be, what i believed about him was shared by so many others. and he will never be a judge that gets robitis. that is a serious disease that strikes sometimes federal judges more than other kinds because they are appointed for life. robe-itis is something that if you're a practicing lawyer you talk about someone that has robe-itis. that is a malaise that comes upon a judge that all of a sudden removes him from the common people, that somehow makes him or her above the struggles that lawyers are having, makes them above the problems that clients are presenting in their courtroom. this is a grounded man. this is a man who will understand what it is like to litigate a case, why his judgments must be fair and also speedy, why he owes it to the litigants to actually read their briefs, not assign it to someone else, to thumb through and make a decision based on a predetermined notion he might have. this is someone who will take his work with the degree of seriousnes