serious smash-up, we might finally wake up and have some kind of regulation of this. >> trevor: doug henwoodhank you so much for joining us on the show. i hope to see you again. >> i had a good time, thanks. you can check out doug's radio show "begind the news" wherever you get your podcasts. all right, when we come back, roy wood jr. gets some advice on democracy from africa. and regina king is still joining us on the show. so don't go away. action! faster, faster! they're gaining on you! ♪ ♪ [engine revving] that's good! come on come on! [spooky laugh] now! ♪ [yelling] ♪ can coors put a refreshing big game commercial... in your dreams? ♪ ♪ i saw some mountians. buy a pack of coors light. get a pack of coors seltzer. and try it for yourself at check out this one. long hair, loves to hike and plays frisbee... what is he, a labrador? (laughing) so, should i meet him? you're not that adventurous. yes i am! try me. ok... ...jump into that lake. i'll do it. let's all do it! i'm in. this is crazy! (laughing) you coming? seriously? it is way too comfortable in here. the all-