doug mcmillen and i working on food safety, $100 billion a year on food safety recalls wasted. done mangos, we're spreading it in with many other food producers another is shipping. 20% of the world's cargo shipping so boy, if you've ever seen the chain of information, the paperwork with a cargo to ship flowers, a big container that goes on a cargo ship the paperwork costs more than the goods inside of it so perfect example, and we're working on that. dtcc, an industry you know if well, derivatives and financials, going up on a block chain. i do it myself it is endless, with over 400 -- think of these as applications so we build applications, can build them on anything then underneath it, analogies like the internet. what the internet did for communications, i think block chain will do for trusted transactions that's maybe an analogy that will work. and it can do tens of thousands of things a second, not like some of the other versions out there and we've for block chain to take off, the technology it's on, which we helped open source so everyone can use it, it has to have perm