we have a motion to move forward liz jackson-simpson, winnie yu, doug parrish and sheryl davis to the workforce advisory committee, and we can do that without opposition. thank you very much to the members of the public and the applicants for being here today. madam clerk, can you please call item two? that item two, hearing to consider appointing one member, a term ending april 29, 2014, to the children and family first commission. there is one seat and two applicants. supervisor kim: thank you. we still are continuing our rules committee meeting, so if you do not mind continuing discussions outside, we would appreciate it. at this time, we have two applicants for one seat. i am checking to see if either of those applicants are here today. we did try to contact both, and we were not able to get in touch with either. ok, so neither of the applicants are here. we can either motion to continue this item -- we have actually had trouble contacting these applicants. supervisor farrell: i think it is important that we have people seated as well, and to me, there are two applicants, and one