. >> warr: do you think that's what this says, doug paul? and plain why, for instance, liu xibao was offering this charter was se as threatening the chinese government. >> it rings memories othe late period of the collapse of the soviet union when vaclav havel in czechoslovakia organized s movement and got dissidentto speak up against the rulof the communist party. china learned lessons from tt period of 1989991, they studied and found a lot ofas wrong from china's perective. they put emphasis economic grow in exchange for no expansion ofndividual personal freedoms -- ceainly no polical freedoms. >> warner:ould you say that's the basibargain, miss holm, at the chinese government is trng to stri with the chine people? "we'llive you a lot of economic growt and more economic fedom, but in return, do not challengeur monopoly on por"? >> i thinkhat's in part a very good stament of the bargain that was struck, pticularly st-crackdown of the june 4, 19 crackdown. that is, make mone yes. democracy,o. the importance of charter0is beyond a pition to w