democratic pollster doug schoen is here. no democrat that i can read has yet said, weiner resign. congressman weiner. i wish there was some way i can defend him, but i can. i'm not here to defend weiner. that's all i'm going to say. >> what advice would you give him if he asked you? >> call somebody else. [ laughing ] >> sean: call somebody else. >> i'm going to use that at the comedy club. >> sean, this is a tragedy. democrats are running away from him. nancy pelosi has call for the investigation. a bunch of democrats have given the money he gave them back to charity. i hope for his sake he realizes this is untenable. >> sean: does this hurts the party? >> yes. this hurts the party. this hurts democrats. that's what it comes down to. >> i think he should resign. i have a different set of reasons. if you are going to put your wife, your marriage, your job, your career in jeopardy, at least have sex with the women. don't have virtual sex. he had the same pleasure you experience when you play tetrus. it didn't make sense. >> sean: seems he's got real deep problems. >> he's a man, he